On July 15, 2022, President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. established Presidential Emergency Board (PEB) No. 250, effective July 18, 2022, to investigate collective bargaining disputes between certain railroads represented by the National Carriers’ Conference Committee of the National Railway Labor Conference and certain of their employees represented by certain labor organizations.
President Biden has appointed the following members to Emergency Board 250:
Ira F. Jaffe, Chairman
Barbara C. Deinhardt, Member
David P. Twomey, Member
Pursuant to the Railway Labor Act, the Emergency Board will conduct a hearing and make a recommendation for settlement within 30 days of the President’s creation of the Emergency Board. No work stoppages, and no changes in the conditions out of which the disputes arose (except by agreement of the parties), are permissible following the creation of the Emergency Board and for the 30 days following the date the Emergency Board submits its report to the President.
The National Mediation Board (NMB) is an independent agency created by the Railway Labor Act, which governs labor management relations in the railroad and airline industries. To avoid serious disruptions to the Nation’s economy and protect the public interest, the Act imposes on carriers and their employees the duty of settling disputes through negotiation, mediation, and arbitration. The NMB, headed by three Presidential appointees, has as its chief statutory responsibilities: (1) mediation of collective bargaining disputes; (2) determination of employee representation for collective bargaining processes; and (3) administration of a grievance arbitration system.
Contact: NMB Public Information Line: 202-692-5050