Dean Devita
Robert Smith
Secretary Treasurer
NCFO Brothers and Sisters:
The NCFO is a proud partner of the U.S. High-Speed Rail Coalition.
Building high-speed rail in multiple regions is one of the most transformative ways our nation can build back better. High-speed rail is a remarkable, proven technology that can address multiple challenges simultaneously, including the revival of domestic manufacturing, creation of strong, Union jobs, increased interconnections between rural and urban areas and climate change mitigation through the reduction of inefficient trucks on our highways.
To help secure federal funding for high-speed rail projects, we are asking all NCFO members to call the legislators in Washington, D.C. at 1-877-206-1846. Below is a script you can recite to help with our pitch:
Hello, my name is {{NAME}}, and I live and vote in {{LOCATION}}. I’m asking you to make sure that we include major funding and strong labor standards for high-speed rail in the budget reconciliation bill.
High-speed rail will create strong stable union jobs and boost local economies with increased good-paying employment opportunities.
High-speed rail also connects communities, while highways have a history of by-passing neighborhoods, leaving behind small businesses and the people living in those communities.
To compete in the 21st century, we need to build high-speed rail across America. But the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill won’t fund even one new high-speed rail line. We are woefully behind other countries when it comes to high-speed rail and this decision to cut funding is a huge strategic error.
We need to go big on high-speed rail funding in budget reconciliation. Will you commit to passing a budget reconciliation bill that dramatically increases funding for high-speed rail and includes strong labor standards?
Please join us in securing rail as a prominent and vital American infrastructure project. We need to insist that rail be a focal point in this country – now and into the future.